Watch Mark Hamill Get His Own Honorary Street Signs

Mark Hamill was honored on Sunday with street signs in the 5900 block of Castleton Drive, at Mt. Abernathy Avenue in Clairmont, CA. The city has started a new honorary street naming program. The actor went to middle and high school there.

There were some minor difficulties unveiling the sign, but the Force was strong with Hamill and a San Diego police officer. Hamill used a nightstick and the officer used a lightsaber to push the shroud covering the sign over it. You can check out the video and a picture after the jump.

Hamill told the crowd, “”Hello Clairemont. I can’t tell you how great it feels to be back in my old neighborhood. To say that I’m grateful and honored would be an understatement.”

“Mind you it says ‘honorary,’ which is sort of like a qualifier – means I’m on probation, it could come down at any time,” he joked.