Star Wars: Legends of the Corn Eaters

Performer, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker Shed Simove brings us the concept of using the power of the Force and the Cornobi to make it easier to eat your corn on the cob with handy lightsaber hilt holders. Wouldn’t it be great if these were made available for everyone to purchase and use?!?! See a promotional video and get more info on the product after the jump.

CORNOBI – ‘May The Fork Be With You’

Shed was thinking about how to get kids to eat more healthily and came up with the idea of a corn on the cob holder which makes a lightsabre out of a corn on the cob…and he calls it CORNOBI…

…”The fork is strong in this one”…

Shed is seeking partners working in the food utensil and corn farming industries to help him bring this great idea to the public…