“Star Wars:” Is the Force Strong? Live Debate and Community Discussion Tomorrow Night in Dallas

If you live in the Dallas or Fort Worth, TX Metroplex, you might be interested in a sort of Town Hall type discussion on the pros and cons of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” being held at the Texas Theatre on Sunday, January 10th at 8:00 PM. I don’t really know what the cons could possibly be, but I’m sure a few haters of the film will show up to wax nerd philosophical about the latest chapter in the “Star Wars” saga.

ROT5 doesn’t really care what anyone else thinks of the movie and won’t be there. However, I’m sure it will be fun to watch a roomful of passionate fans and naysayers verbally spar with each other over whether it’s too much like “A New Hope” or if Supreme Leader Snoke is really Anakin Skywalker. Go and support the local “Star Wars” community in the DFW area! It’s free and you can see all the info for the event after the jump.

Straight from the Dallas Observer website: “Star Wars has warmed up box offices hotter than a Tatooine summer, and fans are going back to relive the Force Awakens experience to the fevered tune of 1.39 billion in global sales.

As the film continues to dominate theaters with spaceship cameos and warm-hearted Wookiee hugs, detractors have begun speaking up.

Some say The Force Awakens has been drafting by on spent fumes of Episode IV nostalgia. Others question character development and the tempestuous nature of millennial Kylo Ren, or aren’t hot on storm troopers having free will, opinions and love interests outside of the office.

And then there are those who just didn’t dig the thing.

To all of that, Texas Theatre responded last Wednesday by posting an event so geeked-out and nerdy that all of Dallas collectively readjusted its glasses in unison. Billed “Star Wars: Has the Force Awakened? Live Debate and Community Discussion!,” the forum pulls an esteemed panel of judges to examine the film’s forces, light and dark.

On Sunday, January 10, the arthouse will give fans and anti-fans alike a chance to be heard — outside of some cinematically nebulous comment thread.

The actual debating will be dealt out by fanbros Robert Wilonsky (Dallas Morning News), Kenneth Denson (Red Pegasus Games and Comics), Devin Pike (Bigfanboy.com), and jedi duo Jason Reimer/Adam Donaghey (Texas Theatre). Mark Walters of bigfanboy.com will serve as the evening’s moderator.

If you can’t get enough Episode 7 — or if you can’t take any more of it — join them for this completely free, and extraordinarily dorky, event this Sunday at 8 p.m. The theatre will screen the film before (5:45 p.m.) and after (8:50 p.m.) for the usual admission price ($10.50), in case you want to hitch another ride on the Falcon, armed with fresh insights.”

The Texas Theatre is located at 231 W Jefferson Blvd, Dallas, Texas 75208. You can also visit the event’s Facebook page right here.