Star Wars Fan Digitally Inserts Harrison Ford into Solo Trailer

So, THIS looks sort of creepy in places. While I would love to see Harrison Ford reprise the role of Han Solo, I wouldn’t want to see it this way.

There are parts of this fan-made trailer where I shuddered in discomfort over the way it looked. I do give props to creator Nick Acosta for all his hard work, however.

Nick Acosta recently posted his work, True Solo, on Vimeo — in it, he swaps Alden Ehrenreich for digital composites of Ford’s face. The work also features clips from Ford’s earlier work, such as American Graffiti.

“I couldn’t help wonder what this movie would look like if you could magically transport a young Harrison Ford to play his iconic character,” Acosta wrote with the video. “So using a variety of digital compositing software and some editing tricks I tried to make that happen.”

Check out the end result of his hard work after the jump.

True Solo from Nick Acosta on Vimeo.