Rian Johnson Talks Pitching His Vision for The Last Jedi to Kathleen Kennedy

“Back in 2014, before the title had even been revealed for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Looper and Brick director Rian Johnson got a call from Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy asking if he was interested in making that film’s sequel. So what did Johnson say that convinced her to hand him the keys to one of the world’s largest movie franchises? In a new interview, Johnson explains his initial pitch and talks about putting aside years’ worth of childhood fantasies in order to come up with a coherent and compelling idea for where to take the characters in a galaxy far, far away.

‘After Kathy (Kennedy) asked me if I’d be interested in it, we had a series of conversations, and basically my pitch was the first movie is like the introduction, the second movie is training. And by ‘training,’ I mean we take each of these characters and we really test their mettle. So I said that would be my approach to it, it’s a very character-based approach where we just start with each one of these characters we care about and figure out what the hardest next step is for each of them.'”

Read more at /Film.