Remember That Resistance Fighter Licking the Sand on Crait? That’s Normal

Remember that scene near the end of Star Wars: The Last Jedi when an entrenched Resistance fighter dips his hand onto the surface of Crait, licks his finger, spits, and says, “Salt”?

A geophysicist by the name of Mika McKinnon has dug deeper into the significance of the action, explaining the practice of licking rocks, which is apparently a common practice among those who study the composition of the Earth for a living.

“I’m feeling weirdly hurt by the viral tweet mocking geoscientists for licking rocks. I get that we’re a bit weird even for scientists and get a bit more blunt with our toolset, but licking rocks is a real strategy. Taste & texture are diagnostic,” McKinnon commented via her Twitter.

Read more at SyFy Wire.

Check out her Tweets after the jump.