Red Cup Company Goes Solo for Movie Promotions

“It’s a match made in branding heaven.

Lucasfilm has announced that it will be partnering with six different companies in anticipation of the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story. And one of those six films is none other than Solo cups.

Han Solo is a great name, one that immediately brings to mind the most famous space smuggler in cinematic history. But what does “Solo” bring to mind? A loner? A copyright nightmare? A party cup?

It turns out Lucasfilm was thinking the same thing, as they’ve struck up a partnership with the iconic red cup company that shares a name with the Star Wars hero. While the shared name makes the Solo Solo Cups an obvious choice, there are deeper connections that make this partnership even better. While Solo was initially filming, its codename was Red Cup — a reference to the famous color of the cup commonly used at parties.”

Read more at /Film.