Patton Oswalt’s Mad Max/Star Wars mashup figures!

Patton Oswalt may be America’s biggest geek, and he apparently has more money than he knows what to do with. As you can see from the pictures, Oswalt commissioned noted figure customizer Sillof to make Mad Max/Star Wars mashup figures, and the results are pretty impressive. Unfortunately, Oswalt has the only set, but you can enjoy the pretty pictures. Sillof took the Road Warrior figures released a number of years back and gave them all a Star Wars touch, as you can see his take on the heroes above, including a Chaka/Chewie, who is a bit Ewok-sized.
Here are the villains, including Fez standing in as Boba Fett.
The gyrocopter, renamed GY-RO, stands in for R2-D2.
There’s even a landspeeder-themed car.