Mark Hamill’s April Fools Day prank put the Joker in this Jedi

Mark Hamill got us all on April Fool’s Day this year, when he teased an Episode VIII spoiler on his Twitter account if he reached 1 million followers (he was about 25,000 followers shy at the time). The campaign, which he dubbed “Hamillion,” seemed legit, although most had suspicions given the day. After making a few Joker and Trickster references, he finally admitted that it was, in fact, all a joke:
Since this is the internet, of course some people were not happy. Hamill even had to apologize to those who bought into the joke and were offended that he wasn’t actually going to spoil Episode VIII. He then pointed out how much he hates spoilers and even dislikes trailers who show too much.
For the record, Hamill did reach 1 million followers, but it was a few days later when he actually passed the milestone. Hamillion achievement unlocked!