Lucasfilm Wants a Lando Movie Someday

Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy has been making the publicity rounds for Solo in the wake of the world premiere in Los Angeles and the Cannes Film Festival screening earlier this week. She spoke to Premiere France (via Cinema Blend) about what’s next for Lucasfilm when it comes to the in-between movies under the Star Wars Story moniker, and she gave a surprisingly straight-forward answer:

“We think that the next spin-off will be dedicated to Lando Calrissian. Of course, there are still many stories to tell about Han and Chewbacca, but Lando will be next.”

However, Lucasfilm told io9 shortly after this quote started making the rounds online that the quote in question from the French magazine was not translated correctly. Kennedy instead said something akin to the Lando Calrissian movie being something she’d like to do some day, but there are no concrete plans for it to be the next spin-off just yet.

Read more at /Film.