Leia Voice Actor Julie Dolan is a Force for Rescue!

Force for Rescue auctions raise money for Traffick911. Traffick911 is a team of passionate people driven to free youth from sex trafficking.

We’re very happy to announce our next participant in our Force for Rescue Fundraising Auctions. Actor Julie Dolan has donated an autographed photo of her character Princess Leia Organa from the hit animated television series Star Wars Rebels. She will personalize the photo featured here to your specifications.

Julie also voiced Leia in the video games Star Wars: Uprising and Disney Infinity 3.0. Her other roles include Detention (2011), Cowboy Bebop (1998), and BASEketball (1998).

The auction begins now and ends on February 21st at 10:33 PM Central time.

To put in your bid, just go here!