Help Fulfill Carrie Fisher’s Oscar Tribute Wish!

Carrie Fisher was always known for her sarcasm and sense of humor. Even in her death, she humorously had specific plans on how she wanted to be honored at the Oscars. She jokingly told Rebel Force Radio in a 2010 interview, “I asked him [Harrison Ford at a party] if he would be in my death reel, and if he would sing. It’s just something I want. He’s going to sing ‘Melancholy Wookiee.'” After the jump, you can hear the clip and find out how you can help spread the word and possibly influence the Oscars to fulfill her wish.

Several mainstream media outlets including ABC News,, Hollywood Reporter, and Entertainment Tonight have picked up the story to help spread the word and possibly get her wish granted at the Oscars. Every year, there’s a section of the event that pays tribute to the actors and other Hollywood types who have passed on in the past year.

The Academy has singled out individuals before. Fisher got the idea after seeing John Hughes’ tribute at the 82nd Academy Awards. Molly Ringwald, Matthew Broderick, Macaulay Culkin, and several other actors went on stage to honor the Director / Producer / Writer. “So, I figured they’ll bring out, depending on when it happens, there’s a lot of people they can bring out,” she continued.

ROT5 wants to join Rebel Force Radio’s crusade by asking our readers to help make Carrie’s wish come true. On Twitter, don’t just hashtag the Academy, actually include @TheAcademy in your tweet so it goes directly to them. We’ll even type it out right here so you can just copy and paste it:

Make Carrie Fisher’s Oscar Tribute Dream Come True! @TheAcademy #TheAcademy

On Facebook, simply put in:

Make Carrie Fisher’s Oscar Tribute Dream Come True! #TheAcademy