Greg Grunberg talks about The Force Awakens!

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, actor Greg Grunberg discusses his role in Episode VII: The Force Awakens, as well as his relationship with lifelong friend J.J. Abrams. Grunberg has been Abrams’ lucky charm of sorts: the director always casts him in his films, including small roles in Mission Impossible III and Star Trek. He’s also appeared in many of Abrams’ TV shows, including Felicity, Alias, and Lost. Here’s what he had to say about The Force Awakens (very minor spoilers follow):

“I can’t talk about who I play or what I did. But just imagine that
you get a call from your best friend saying, “It’s true, I’m doing Star
Wars and you can stop begging me, yes, I want you to be in this movie.”
It was an absolute dream come true. I have been such a fan of all the
actors and everything about Star Wars. … Some people may not have loved
some of the movies, but it’s a whole world you can’t deny how super
compelling and awesome it is, and I can’t believe I’m part of it. Like
there were moments when J.J. would yell, ‘Cut’,’ and then come over to
me and go, ‘Are you f–king kidding me? Did that just happen? Did I just
pan from C-3PO to R2-D2 to Han Solo and then to you?’ I spent seven
weeks in London and it was heaven. And it’s crazy cause usually I’m the
first person that J.J. calls to bounce ideas off. This one is so top
secret, and so on lockdown, that all I can do is ask him, ‘How’s it
going?’ and he’s like, ‘Oh, I’m really happy.’ So I know if he’s happy
it’s just gonna be incredible.”