Gary Whitta Shares Rogue One Script Originally Had Opening Crawl

Rogue One: A Star Wars story is one of the more divisive entries in the Star War movie saga – probably the most divisive, before a little film called The Last Jedi came along.

Rogue One co-writer Gary Whitta recently revealed that he had, at one time, included a traditional Star Wars opening crawl with Rogue One – and even managed to fit in a nice big Star Wars: A New Hope Easter egg into it.

Director Gareth Edwards and his writing team were accused multiple times of not “getting” Star Wars, and yet, time and time again, the filmmakers have revealed deep passion for the material – to the point that apparently Whitta spent time and effort sculpting an opening scrawl that had just the right word count!

“I did write a crawl, and I remember thinking it was neat that it was the same number of words as the one in A New Hope. This was before the (correct) decision not to have opening crawls for the standalones,” stated Whitta via his Twitter.