Familiar Crossguard Saber In the Hands of Ezra

The design of that lightsaber sure does look familiar, doesn’t it? A teaser trailer for “Star Wars Rebels” features a clip of Ezra brandishing a weapon similar to the one used by Kylo Ren in “The Force Awakens.”

As fans of Disney XD’s animated “Star Wars: Rebels” series already know, the show is set in the nascent stages of the Rebellion, between the events of “Revenge of the Sith” and the original 1977 “Star Wars.”

 But the remainder of Season 2, which returns on Jan. 20, will have some ominous ties to “The Force Awakens,” even though that story is set many decades later. Read more at EW.

Check out the teaser trailer after the jump.

“Star Wars: Rebels” video teases a surprising link to “The Force Awakens”