AT-ATs are going up at Star Wars Land at Disney World!

It’s happening people! The AT-ATs are being built at Disney World’s Star Wars Land right now! Here are the details!

Things are moving along fast at Star Wars Land in Orlando.Structures are in place, including one for an AT-AT attraction. Concept art was released by Disney, which shows two of the Imperial monsters inside of a hanger of some sort. That appears to be the structure in new pictures posted on Twitter by @biorecontruct, along with what looks like the AT-AT heads on the ground just outside. Check it out:

A few days later, another picture was posted, this time showing the AT-AT heads attached to the bodies inside of the building. This picture is looking head-on at the AT-AT (click on it to see a larger version).

Finally, here is a pic of the entire Star Wars Land site. Hollywood Studios is along the top, and the new Toy Story Land is on the upper left. Click on the image to see a larger version.

An opening date for Star Wars Land is not clear, but Toy Story Land is rumored to be opening as early as next year.

H/T: The Kingdom Insider