A Hunted Smuggler in Lando #4

Lando #4 sees Marvel and Lucasfilm continuing their winning streak of new “Star Wars” comics. I’ve yet to read a title I haven’t liked, and this series is no different. Anyone who wants more from a Galaxy Far, Far Away will thoroughly enjoy the tale Writer Charles Soule is telling. Imagine an old-fashioned heist tale that takes place in another star system.

In Lando #4, our fortune-hunter has made off with one of the most expensive ships in the galaxy… and it just so happens to belong to the Emperor! But now, one of the most deadly, effective trackers around is on his tail. Who is this mysterious hunter and what possible connections could they have to Lando?

Lando #4 is rated T for Teen. If you’ve seen the movies and TV shows, you know what to expect from this “Star Wars” comic. There’s really only some violence to warn readers of.

Writer Charles Soule continues to make things difficult on everyone’s favorite gentleman smuggler in Lando #4. Artist Alex Maleev brilliantly illustrates the misadventures and captures the physical look of our hero. It’ll be interesting to see how Calrissian gets his crew and himself out of the trouble they’ve stumbled into.

Lando #4 is available now in print and Kindle editions.