Creature Concept Designer Jake Lunt Davies Talks BB-9E

“Creature Concept Designer Jake Lunt Davies discusses BB-9E, the devious counterpart to Poe Dameron’s droid pal BB-8, and reveals a very special Easter egg. ‘This is not wholly my design,…

Artist Malcolm Tween Talks 2017 Royal Mail “Star Wars” Stamps

“In an homage to a legacy of richly illustrated movie posters, the 2017 Royal Mail ‘Star Wars’ stamps are tiny works of art filled with hidden treasures and intricate details.…

Find Out How the Caretakers Were Brought to Life for “The Last Jedi”

“ spoke to ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ creature concept designer Jake Lunt Davies for a special three-part series. [The] installment focuses on one new element from the film that…

Another Look at “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” [Spoilers]

I’ve seen “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” twice now. I grew up on “Star Wars.” It’s the first film that truly had an impact on me as a child. I…

“The Last Jedi” Lives Long and Prosper

“Life gloriously imitated art Thursday when actor Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher on ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’) wore a ‘Star Trek’ costume to a screening of ‘Star Wars: The Last…

Lando Will Not Appear in ‘The Last Jedi’

Sorry, folks: Lando Calrissian won’t be appearing in The Last Jedi. According to Entertainment Weekly, Billy Dee Williams won’t be reprising the character in the film. “No, and I don’t…

The Force is with the International Space Station Astronauts

“‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ hits cinemas around the world this week, but it’ll also be showing in one extremely appropriate venue off-planet: the International Space Station. Astronauts will be…

Spoiler-Free Movie Review: “Star Wars: The Last Jedi”

After Thursday, I’ll be opening the floodgates on “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” There will be no holding back and spoilers will be unleashed on the readers. If you don’t…

Find Out Where to Watch “The Last Jedi” Red Carpet Premiere Tonight!

Don’t miss the red carpet premiere for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” from Los Angeles tonight LIVE presented by Verizon. Simply tune into beginning at 5:00PM Pacific Time /…

New “The Last Jedi” Teaser Reveals New Shocking Footage [VIDEO]

“A new 30-second teaser could change everything fans think they know about ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi.’ In the clip, Rey can be seen training with Luke, played by Mark…

Carrie Fisher’s Therapy Dog, Gary, Cameos in “The Last Jedi”

“Carrie Fisher’s therapy dog, Gary, is in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi.’ As you can see in the left side of the image above, a brown alien creature can be…

Jimmy Kimmel Gets Funny with “Star Wars” [VIDEO]

As usual, Jimmy Kimmel couldn’t resist having fun with the cast and crew of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and you can check out some of the humorous footage from…

See “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” Cast on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” [VIDEO]

For those who missed it, you can check out the cast of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” on Jimmy Kimmel after the jump!

How Long is “Star Wars: The Last Jedi?”

“The runtime for ‘The Last Jedi’ is 152 minutes… this makes it the first ‘Star Wars’ film to be over 2 and 1/2 hours.” You can read more at Inverse.

Benicio Del Toro’s DJ Hacks His Way Into the “Star Wars” Universe

“Benicio Del Toro’s mystery character DJ will play a ‘slicer,’ according to a new report… a slicer in ‘Star Wars’ terms is roughly analogous to a computer hacker in real…

Four New TV Spots Released for “The Last Jedi”

“Disney has released four new “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” TV spots. It’s always Disney’s prerogative to market the he#@ out of their movies, and while “Star Wars” is a…

England’s Royalty Suit Up as Stormtroopers for “The Last Jedi”

“The royals — along with Tom Hardy and singer Gary Barlow — were rumored to make an appearance in Stormtrooper outfits in the film releasing Dec. 15. In August, ‘Star…

New Clues As to Who Snoke Really Is…

USA Today Featurette Takes Us Behind the Scenes of “The Last Jedi” [VIDEO]

“The Jedi may wield a lightsaber but on the set of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi,’ Rian Johnson’s smile was just as powerful. The director’s little-kid perma-grin never seems to…

Even Porgs Have Allergies…

Art by Daniel Hoogkamp.