Star Wars Characters Visit Ilinois Advocate Children’s Hospital [VIDEO]

Stormtroopers brought smiles to patients at Advocate Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge. Star Wars characters, including an Imperial TIE Pilot, an ATAT Pilot, and a BB-8 Droid, among others, stopped…

George Lucas Wanted Female Stormtroopers in Original Star Wars Trilogy

George Lucas always intended for female stormtroopers in the Star Wars universe, as far back as 1977. This news might come as a surprise to fans of the original trilogy,…

Topher Grace and Jeff Yorkes Created 5 Minute Super Trailer from All 10 Star Wars Movies [VIDEO]

Topher Grace is at it again, tinkering away at his editing computer with the help of buddy Jeff Yorkes. Check out this awesome 5 minute super-trailer which uses footage of…

Dubai Police Show Off Star Wars-Like Hoverbikes in Video

Dubai’s crime busters will soon be swooping down from the skies on Star Wars-like hoverbikes. The oil-rich nation has begun training its cops to fly the S3 2019 Hoverbikes, the…

Star Wars Influenced Tractor Beam Developed

A light driven energy trap similar to tractor beams used to capture spaceships in science fiction movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars has been developed by researchers in…

Lucasfilm Design Supervisor James Clyne Makes the Kessel Run

The record-setting [Kessel Run] that made the Millennium Falcon a legend in its time is, for the first time, seen on-screen in the new film. And it was [Lucasfilm Design…