Viewing suggestions to make May 4 & 5 a Star Wars weekend

May 4th is almost upon us, and in 2013, the 4th and 5th fall on a weekend, making it a perfect opportunity for two days of Star Wars goodness. While…

Yoda totally freaks out…

Bring your Wampaka to Star Wars Chanukah!

With apologies to our Jewish readers, we present the Star Wars Chanukah Song. We hope your actual Chanukah is better than the prequels.

A jumbo Yoda action figure? Want one, I do!

Gentle Giant does some outstanding collectibles, perhaps none better than the jumbo versions of the original Kenner Star Wars figures. Their newest addition to the line, however, may entice me…

Somewhere, the ears of John Williams bleed

We can’t decide if this is awesome or sad. Personally, we’re leaning towards sad with a pinch of “get a woman.”

May the 4th Meets Cinco de Mayo