Russia Has an AT-AT-Like Combat Walker

Combat walkers, or just ‘mechs,’ have been a part of science fiction for decades. The most famous examples are the AT-ST scout walker from Star Wars, the Amplified Mobility Platform…

What’s Happening in This Russian Star Wars Poster?

What movie did artists Yury Bokser and Alexander Chantsev see before creating this poster for Star Wars in 1990? Aside from the different colored lightsabers shooting out of that weird…

In Mother Russia, Rogue One posters REBEL ON YOU!

We’re really digging the international posters for Rogue One, especially this one, from Russia, which is a little more artistic than other posters we’ve seen. Check it out after the…

Grand Admiral Thrawn in the News

Just how much of a cultural impact does Grand Admiral Thrawn have on our society? London-based weekly news magazine The Economist uses the imagery of Thrawn to sling mud at…

The Russians have way too much in common with the Clones

  Someone took video of Russia’s May Day parade and set it to the audio from Attack of the Clones. Enjoy!