‘Star Wars’ Director Rian Johnson Wants to Go ‘Beyond the Legacy Characters’ for Planned Trilogy

Rian Johnson is charging full-speed ahead with his planned new trilogy of films entrusted to him by Lucasfilm. Despite rumors to the contrary and internet trolls decrying his specific vision…

Rian Johnson is Fine with J.J. Abrams Doing Whatever He Wants with Episode IX

Rian Johnson seems like a pretty chill guy. Not only does he have to put up with trolls shouting at him on Twitter over Star Wars: The Last Jedi, he…

Despite Rumors, Rian Johnson Still Working on His Star Wars Trilogy

Yesterday, rumors caught on like wildfire that Rian Johnson’s planned Star Wars trilogy was no longer happening, and the Last Jedi director was instead focusing on other projects. This, as…

Russian Trolls and Political Motivation Aimed at The Last Jedi

According to an academic paper entitled “Weaponizing The Haters: The Last Jedi and the strategic politicization of pop culture through social media manipulation,” Russian trolls had a whole lot to…

Rian Johnson Found ‘Last Jedi’ Inspiration in ‘The Clone Wars’

Rian Johnson has revealed that he was inspired by the TV show “The Clone Wars” when he was writing The Last Jedi. The revelation came after a Twitter user asked Johnson…

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Takes Over SXSW; New Bonus Feature Clip and Trailer [VIDEO]

Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s documentary The Director and the Jedi premiered today at the Paramount Theatre at SXSW Film Festival. Mark Hamill, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian…

Rian Johnson Supposedly Scrapped J.J. Abrams’ Episode 8 Script

“With a massive franchise like Star Wars, you would expect that Lucasfilm wants the entire story planned out. But after Rian Johnson‘s radical, controversial The Last Jedi threw Star Wars…

Entertainment Weekly Reveals Five Star Wars: The Last Jedi Deleted Scenes

“The Last Jedi still has some things left to reveal to Star Wars fans. There will be 14 deleted scenes released as part of the home entertainment rollout for the…

Rian Johnson Talks Pitching His Vision for The Last Jedi to Kathleen Kennedy

“Back in 2014, before the title had even been revealed for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Looper and Brick director Rian Johnson got a call from Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy…

Listen as Empire Podcast Interviews Director Rian Johnson

“Chris Hewitt chats with The Last Jedi’s writer/director, Rian Johnson, who was in great form as he expounded on some of the film’s most shocking revelations, as well as shedding…

How Did Rian Johnson Keep “The Last Jedi” Script from Leaking Online?

“The writer/director of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ on top-secret screenplays, killing time between takes and the eerie similarities between Rome and a galaxy far, far away. ‘I typed Episode…

Rian Johnson Trilogy Will Not Be Based on “Old Republic”

“‘Star Wars’ fans, ‘Last Jedi’ director Rian Johnson has heard what you want as the subject of his upcoming trilogy of ‘Star Wars’ movies. And he’s not buying it. He’s…

Rian Johnson Heads Up Brand-New “Star Wars” Trilogy

Here it is straight from StarWars.com: “For director Rian Johnson, ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ was just the beginning of his journey in a galaxy far, far away. Lucasfilm is…

USA Today Featurette Takes Us Behind the Scenes of “The Last Jedi” [VIDEO]

“The Jedi may wield a lightsaber but on the set of ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi,’ Rian Johnson’s smile was just as powerful. The director’s little-kid perma-grin never seems to…

Snoke’s Origins Not Explored in “The Last Jedi”; New Picture

“Fans hoping that this December’s ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ will shed some light on the backstory of the new bad guy Supreme Leader Snoke are in for a disappointment,…

I Hate the Porgs Already

My feelings of disgust and hatred for the Ewoks might have just been trumped by the newest cute critters from the “Star Wars” universe. The porgs are creatures that look…

Rian Johnson Posts New “The Last Jedi” Trooper Pic

Rian Johnson posted this photo of the First Order Stormtroopers from “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.” The design of the helmets is a bit different from what we saw in…

Rian Johnson Teases “The Last Jedi” Crawl

Director / Writer Rian Johnson posted this picture to his Instagram the other day with the caption, “Felt so good to drop this into the cut this morning.” The black-and-white…

New “Episode VIII” Placeholder Revealed

Lucasfilm and Walt Disney Studios sent us the new placeholder for Rian Johnson’s “Star Wars Episode VIII.” I really don’t want to call this a new logo, since it’s obviously…

Even the Dark Lord Bows Before the Power of BB-8

Rian Johnson posted this humorous photo on his Twitter with the caption, “Everytime I’m at the Lucasfilm offices I rearrange their display models so this happens.”