Mark Hamill Talks Recasting Leia [VIDEO]

“With Han Solo (Harrison Ford) being a big part of Episode 7, and Luke Skywalker (Hamill) being the focus of Episode 8, many assumed Episode 9 would see an increased…

Princess Leia Gets Schooled by Short Round

NOBODY talks to Dr. Indiana Han Solo Jones that way!

Carrie Fisher’s Therapy Dog, Gary, Cameos in “The Last Jedi”

“Carrie Fisher’s therapy dog, Gary, is in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi.’ As you can see in the left side of the image above, a brown alien creature can be…

Father / Daughter Issues in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

Want to Own Carrie Fisher’s “Star Wars” Scripts? Save Up!

Auction house Profiles in History will be auctioning off Carrie Fisher’s scripts for the “Star Wars” movies, complete with her handwritten notes. The original “Star Wars” script alone has over…

UPDATED! Watch All “Star Wars: Forces of Destiny” Episodes Right Here!

“Star Wars: Forces of Destiny” make up small moments and everyday decisions which shape a larger heroic saga. You can watch all of the released episodes of “Star Wars: Forces…

Colin Trevorrow Talks Making Episode IX Without Carrie Fisher

“Carrie Fisher’s death in December was a hammer blow to Star Wars fans across the world. The release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi later this year will present fans…

Watch Mark Hamill’s Tribute to Carrie Fisher Panel Here!

If you missed Mark Hamill’s tribute to Carrie Fisher on Day Two of Star Wars Celebration, you can see it here right after the jump.

Galactic Girl Power Showcased in Star Wars Forces of Destiny

Rey, Ahsoka Tano, Jyn Erso, and other iconic heroes will star in new Star Wars Forces of Destiny animated micro-series coming out in July 2017. We’ll also get toys from…

Watch how they recreated Tarkin and Leia for Rogue One (VIDEO)

OK, this is beyond cool. ABC’s Nightline ran a story explaining how ILM brought back both Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia for Rogue One. You gotta see this! Video…

Dallas’s Nerd Year’s Eve Celebrates Carrie Fisher

This past weekend saw Dallas’s first annual Marvelous Nerd Year’s Eve. One of the events held was a tribute to “Star Wars” actress Carrie Fisher, who passed away from a…

May the Force Be with You, Great Princess…

It is with great sadness that ROT5 reports that actress / writer Carrie Fisher has died at age 60. We’ve spent the last few days praying and keeping our Princess…

The Solo Family, in happier times

Seriously, “Happy Holidays?” I thought they said “Merry Life Day” in the Solo household. No wonder their kid went to the Dark Side.

Danny Trejo Knows How to Avoid “Rogue One” Spoilers

Twitter user 9GAG posted this hilarious picture of the lengths Danny Trejo would go to in order to avoid “Rogue One” spoilers.

Star Wars gives you bad shooting face

Not an easy choice here.

…And Harrison Ford as Princess Leia

I certainly hope this didn’t happen too often at the old Hasbro warehouse. Apparently, someone switched a Leia head with a Han Solo head for this action figure. Or maybe…

Princess Leia Target of Own Political Scandal

Lucasfilm has released an attack on Princess Leia’s political career and life as a leader of the Rebellion against the Empire. The attack comes in the form of a political…

Admitting is Half the Battle

I thought this was a funny meme. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford all did great jobs in “The Force Awakens.” That being said, I can take a joke…

We’re off to see Obi-Wan!

All they need is a heart, a brain, some courage, and the plans to the Death Star.

Lil’ Kylo the Comic Strip

Funny Posts posted this amusing little comic strip from an artist named Kesinger. If anyone out there knows any more info, please let us know. Check out another comic after…