The Porgs Are Back for ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ – Here’s Proof!

Tell Chewie to fire up the grill – the Porgs are returning for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker! The international poster for the upcoming film was released recently, and…

Project Porg Brings the Galactic Birdies Home

Key creatives from ILMxLAB and Lucasfilm discuss the promise of Star Wars: Project Porg, our first step into a larger world where fantastic companions join us for everyday adventures.

Jeff Goldblum Loves the Porgs

Twitter user Laura posted this great pic of Jeff Goldblum cuddling up with her Porg she named Goldblum.

The Porgs are WAY Smarter Than They Lead Us to Believe!

Ahhhh… so THAT’S how it works! Art by Brian J. Murphy.

Edgar Allan Porg

“Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor. ‘Wretch,’ I cried, “thy God hath lent thee—by these…

The Haunting of Chewbacca

One meal forever haunts the mighty Wookiee no matter where he is or what he eats.

It’s Take Your Porg To Work Day!

Today is Take Your Porg to Work Day TODAY! Just try to keep them from messing up your workspace and office. They can be a little mischievous at times.

My Neighbor Porg?

I’m not a big fan of anime, but can appreciate this tribute to “My Neighbor Totoro” for what it is. I’m sure fans of anime and “Star Wars” will love…

Even Porgs Have Allergies…

Art by Daniel Hoogkamp.

Hear the Porgs Sing the “Star Wars” Theme If You Dare [VIDEO]

Twitter user Julian Bahmani posted this little slice of heaven for everyone to enjoy. Imagine “Happy Feet” if there was another level of Hades’ Underworld. Instead of thousands of annoying…

Who’s Hungry for Pulled Porg?

I Hate the Porgs Already

My feelings of disgust and hatred for the Ewoks might have just been trumped by the newest cute critters from the “Star Wars” universe. The porgs are creatures that look…