So Chewbacca DID Get an Award before 1997!

It appears our heroic Wookie DID receive an award for something he did in his 1979 activity book. It’s been so long since I’ve read it, I can’t remember. You…

Continuing Peter Mayhew’s B-Day Wishes! Celebrate with Chewbacca’s Chewies!

Nothing says birthday celebration like some sugary sweets and “Chewbacca’s Activity Book” from 1979 has just the item for the party! Here’s the recipe for Chewbacca’s Chewies! You can grab…

Celebrate Chewbacca’s Birthday a Little Late with a Flashback! Chewie FINALLY Gets His Award!

Chewbacca FINALLY got his award in 1997 for his hard work and service in the Rebellion against the Empire. It was given to him as part of the celebration of…

Happy Birthday Peter Mayhew!

Happy birthday to the man who gave a walking carpet a soul, and captured the imagination of millions of fans. All the best, Peter Mayhew!

Mark Hamill headlines Star Wars Weekends 2014 guest list

Walt Disney World has announced the celebrity guest list for Star Wars Weekends 2014 at their Hollywood Studios theme park in Orlando! Most notable is the first -time appearance of…

See you at the Dallas Comic Con!

As if you needed a reason, Star Wars fans will find plenty to see, do and buy at this weekend’s Dallas Comic Con. Dave Prowse (Darth Vader), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca),…