Tag: Memes
That’s a Pretty Cold Joke, You Guys!
I’ll bet Han wouldn’t appreciate this joke much while slicing away and stuffing Luke in that smelly carcass.
You’re Our Only Hope for Breakfast
Yeah, so here’s this. Don’t really know how to caption such a bizarre picture, but still thought it was funny.
Fans want a Darth Vader Standalone Movie? Someone begs to differ…
Do we really need a Darth Vader standalone film? It will only be a story all about how Vader’s life got flip-turned upside down.
Star Wars Makes 4th of July Memes Great Again
It’s the Fourth of July, so naturally we are going to mix our favorite space opera in with a big helping of patriotism. Here are just a few of our…
Even Sith Lords Have A Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day everyone! Even to you guys who tried to turn your daughters to the Dark Side.
The Force Can Open Our Eyes
“Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future…the past. A ship in a paperclip… Old friends long gone.” – Yoda
Sometimes, Franchises Can Get Confusing
When you’ve been Han Solo AND Indiana Jones as long as Harrison Ford, things can get hazy at times.