VIDEO: New Falcon Largest, Most Expensive LEGO Set Ever

“This Lego model definitely looks like it can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs — provided you have the space and money for it. Meet Lego’s outrageous…

Fandango FanShop Offers New Merch for Force Friday II

New “Star Wars” items are now available for Force Friday II on Fandango’s first-ever movie merchandise online store, Fandango FanShop. Check out more after the jump. Highlights to Fandango FanShop’s…

Augment Your Reality and Find the Force

Following the global phenomenon of Force Friday in 2015, Disney and Lucasfilm announced Find the Force, a global augmented reality (AR) event rolling out on Force Friday II (September 1)…

Want to Know Where to Go for Force Friday II?

Force Friday II is this Friday, September 1st, and there are a ton of stores participating. You’ve got your typical ones like Walmart, Target, The Disney Store, and Toys”R”Us. However,…

Force Friday II Details and Packaging Revealed posted info for the upcoming Force Friday II, which will usher in all the new toys and merchandise for “The Last Jedi,” on September 1st, 2017. Along with the…