Check Out Empire Strikes Back Super 8 Animation Footage [VIDEO]

Original Trilogy fans…here’s the digitized super 8mm clip of Phil Tippett, Jon Berg and Doug Bestwick stop-motion animating a snow walker shot from THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. As I watch…

King Kong Doesn’t Have Anything on Exogorth

“Kong: Skull Island” comes out on Friday. Big Deal! The Exogorth, commonly known as the space slug, can be seen here wreaking way more havoc than Kong could ever dream…

The rare vintage “Poch” Yoda action figure

Check out this photo of a very cool vintage carded “Poch” Yoda, posted to The Empire Strikes Back Vintage Collecting Group 1980-1982 on Facebook by super collector Oliver Olson. “Poch”…

Check out this awesome poster advertising the LA Dodgers’ Empire Strikes Back Night!

This poster was made by the L.A. Dodgers to promote The Empire Strikes Back Night in 2010. This image is courtesy, a great poster-selling website. I’ve bought Star Wars…

An Empire Strikes Back trailer, Force Awakens style!

Someone took the Force Awakens trailer and redid it as an Empire Strikes Back trailer. The result is pretty amazing.

Throwback: The Empire Strikes Back Soundtrack on vinyl!

Check out this cool store poster for The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack! Kids, in case you’re wondering, a “Full Color Booklet” is what your parents used to look at stuff…

A kid’s 1980 review of The Empire Strikes Back is the best ever

This six-year-old (sorry, 6 and 3/4) kid’s review of The Empire Strikes Back, published in his local paper in 1980, is right on target. I’m more impressed that a kid…

Flashback: The Bossk mail-away offer!

Thirty-five years ago this summer, kids across America got a hold of one of the coolest figures in Kenner’s original vintage line: Bossk the bounty hunter! Kids had until May…

Secret Cinema Takes You to a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Secret Cinema has been putting on cinematic events for many years. Let me explain. They take a well-known movie or cult film and literally transport you to the period in…

Happy 35th birthday, Empire Strikes Back!

Big thanks to Darth Vader himself, Dave Prowse, for posting this original picture of the opening of Empire at the Odeon Theatre in London on his Facebook page. We just…

Black Angel short film rediscovered, thrilling Empire Strikes Back fans in Europe

Back in 1980, theaters in Europe played a short film, Black Angel, before showings of The Empire Strikes Back. Written and directed by Roger Christian, the film was commissioned by…

Flashback: Dixie Cups jumps on the Empire bandwagon

If you’re a member of the original Star Wars generation, you likely remember the Star Wars Dixie cups, which featured artwork on small paper cups. You might not remember this:…

Flashback: Topps’ Empire Strikes Back carded rack pack!

The Empire Strikes Back carded rack pack from Topps. With groovy Darth Vader collector’s box. Click the image to see the full-size version. Here’s more Topps goodness from back in…

Flashback: Topps’ Empire Strikes Back rack packs!

If I had been a smarter kid, I would have stockpiled these back in the day. Topps’ Star Wars cards may not have been the highest quality, but dang if…

Because Snow Walkers have buns of steel….

You’ve come a long way, Tarkin….

On Bespin, they all scream for ice cream