Actor Vanessa Marshall Talks Hera and Rebels Season Three

Voice actor Vanessa Marshall discusses her character Hera’s confrontation with Thrawn, her Twi’lek heritage and more with and Bryan Young. Check out the interview right here.

The Best of 2016 From a Galaxy Far, Far Away’s writers discuss the highlights and best of 2016 – a year that will be long remembered. Check it all out right here.

What We Know About “Rogue One” So Far and Bryan Young give us the intel on everything we know about “Rogue One” so far. Check it all out right here.

Learn More About Wookiees

Looking to learn more about Wookiees? No need to go to Kashyyk. Check out and Bryan Young’s playlist guide to the galaxy’s favorite walking-carpet alien species right here.

A Guide to the Death Star from Movies to Comics

Looking to do some Death Star recon before seeing “Rogue One”? Bryan Young and give you a guide to the first Death Star’s biggest moments from movies to comics…

“Cinema Behind ‘Star Wars'” Ponders “Silent Running”

What do “2001” & “Blade Runner” share with “Star Wars”? Learn how the 1972 film “Silent Running” impacted “Star Wars” in technique, and gave one key “A New Hope” crew…