Getting Creative with Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker

My very creative son, Ephraim,  does some sort of craft or builds something almost daily. he also has an interesting sense of humor. he used both his talent and wit…

Check out this Maz Kanata art project for kids! has posted a new craft project for kids, using a handprint to create your own Maz Kanata! Kelly Knox of The St[art] Button created this cool craft, using art…

Pool Noodle Lightsabers!

These awesome do-it-yourself lightsabers are merely pool noodles with duct tape and electrical tape on the end acting as handles. A big thank you to KJ Sotelo for posting this…

A milk jug Stormtrooper helmet!

If you’re a mom looking for a craft project for your Star Wars-obsessed kiddos, or you’re cosplaying on a budget, we’ve got just the thing for you! The folks at…

These Star Wars birdhouses could attract mynocks

Even your birds can be nerds. These cool custom birdhouses were once available from a seller called Nirdhouse on Etsy, but aren’t available anymore. If they do become available, we’ll…