This explains Jar Jar Binks…

 Yellow Sith eyes should warn you of danger. 

The Empire Strikes Back to the Future

What if Luke and Anakin Skywalker were in “Back to The Future”? Thanks to Buckeye Empire for the image!

BREAKING: Anakin Skywalker “The Force Awakens” Character Poster Revealed!

It looks like the best was saved for last as Anakin Skywalker’s character poster for “The Force Awakens” hit the internet later than the others. Hayden Christiansen’s image put to…

Yoda’s Graduation Photo

Yoda looks like quite the party animal in this graduation photo.

Chef Wars: Revenge of the Chili

Don’t even think about touching my chili! Thanks to @ElSignore for the pic.

Anyone remember Anakin saying this?

Once again, Obi-Wan’s memories depend on his point of view…

Pre-order Star Wars Disney Infinity Saga Bundle for Playstation and get an exclusive Boba Fett!

Some people just want to play the game, while others want to collect the figures. Either way, Star Wars is coming to Disney Infinity 3.0, with a special Playstation “Saga…