Happy Alien Day from Darth Maul

Darth Maul would like to wish everyone a very happy Alien Day and wish the Xenomorphs good luck in battle with him. Thanks to Robert Shane a.k.a. rhymesyndicate for the…

No one beats Boba Fett. NO ONE!

This fantastic artwork by Rommel Bas shows Boba Fett at his bounty hunting finest. You can check out more of Bas’ work by clicking here.

Happy “Alien” Day from ROT5

Yeah, so we here at ROT5 aren’t ONLY into “Star Wars.” Yes, it’s the best sci-fi franchise out there. But we’re not above giving props to other movie series we…

“Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Aliens”

Check out a couple of images from a 7-page comic written and illustrated by Deviant Art artist Robert Shane. Have you ever imagined an epic showdown between Stormtroopers and Xenomorphs? What about…